two minute hate

46 days ago

The wrong Tom Winnifrith: my late father would have been horrified

I have a facebook account which I very rarely use. I post links to my articles on it and now and again visit it it to check whether I am the subject of a two minute hate here in the last village in Wales. Following revelations that the Welsh Government imposed draconian lockdown rules on us for purely political rather than scientific reasons I am waiting for some of the face nappy fascists here to apologise but suspect they will not. Anyhow I was on facebook the other day and was contacted out of the blue by a chap living in Greece. My late father would have been horrified.


457 days ago

Banning the Russians from Holocaust Remembrance Day as we rewrite history just as the Nazis did

Its 2023 so everything has to be a political statement about what is happening now, even when it is remembering events of 78 years ago, the liberation of Auschwitz. And so, on Holocaust Remembrance day we all look back and remember.


634 days ago

Before you slam Jeremy Corbyn on Ukraine – what is your plan?

Today’s Emmanuel Goldstein in the two minute hate on social media, in the MSM and at Westminster is, not for the first time, Jeremy Corbyn. His “crime” is suggesting that the UK should not be sending any more weapons and cash to Ukraine. Before you condemn the Marxist old loon what is your alternative?


763 days ago

The Mrs and so many others rush to defend war crimes in Ukraine, and the "Russia targets civilians" myth

Anyone dissenting from the GroupThink frenzy – one whipped up by our leaders and the mainstream media – is dismissed as a Putin asset, a Russian poodle and an apologist for fascism. Thus, one must believe that Ukraine is the epitome of angelicity, and that Putin is indeed committing war crimes against civilians, the likes of which we have not seen since World War Two.


765 days ago

The two minute hate at the Guardian this week is against poor people

One imagines that those writers at the Guardian who are not vegetarian eat only the finest organic ethically reared and killed meat. Price does not matter for members of the well paid metropolitan liberal elite. But what about poor people?


857 days ago

Merry Christmas to all my readers from myself, the Mrs and the kids here at the Welsh Hovel

The Mrs has managed to get the lights working, the tree is topped with Olaf’s angel from 17 years ago, the in-laws have arrived and we’ve had our first covid scare.What more could one want for Christmas?  To all readers of this, my personal website, even those neighbours here in the last village in Wales, who tried to snitch to the Council on the new English folks in the village or who berated me as Emmanuel Goldstein in a two minute hate, myself and my family wish you all a very merry Christmas and hope that we can all enjoy a less miserable, end of Mark Drakeford, 2022.


979 days ago

Once again I am the dastardly villain, the Emmanuel Goldstein of the village facebook group in Holt, Wales

I am back in the last village in Wales, Holt, and it seems as if the village Facebook page has again identified me as Emmanuel Goldstein and a two minute hate, which will last a lot longer than two minutes, is now underway.  This time my “crime” is not to make a “modest proposal” to the local face nappy jihadists, it is far worse. I appear to have made a young woman cry.
